The primary battle configuration in Total Warfare has been simplified to reduce the risk of configuration errors that could make battles annoyingly unplayable for those who join.
More advanced battle configurations require a Supervisor upgrade, which will grant access to the Battle admin panel and also unlock some additional battle settings and Options.
The Battle admin panel is opened and closed via the Admin button in the Battle panel, and will be displayed below the Chat window.
Among other things, the panel allows players to be added to the battle for the purpose of managing permissions. For example, it is possible to set up the battle so that only the listed players can join the battle room.
Each added player will be configured as type admin, user, limited or banned, with Admin being the type with highest permissions and Banned being the one with the lowest.
What this means in practice is that an Admin is allowed to perform all battle configuration tasks that a User is, plus maybe some more.
The default type for FREE2PLAY accounts is Limited, while the default type for PLAYER and SUPERVISOR accounts cannot be configured in the player list, but is referred to as All (see the permissions list below).
With the default configuration, FREE2PLAY is only able to vote for stopping and starting your battle, while PLAYER and SUPERVISOR also will be able to vote to make basic configuration changes.
- (player list) - Shows all manually configured players and the associated player types, plus the battle owner
- Add player - Opens a dialog that allows adding a player. Type the player name and then press the button corresponding to the desired type. If the player has already been added, the type will be updated.
Logged in players can be directly selected from the Players list or the battle participants list, which eliminates the need to type the name manually. Players can also be selected by double-clicking an entry in the chat history.
- Remove player - Removes the selected player
- Permissions - Opens the Permissions window (see below)
- Quickban - Temporarily bans the player currently selected in the Battle panel
- Dynamic join - Configures whether players that joined the battle after start are allowed to play and/or spectate
- Respawn - Configures how many seconds after the previous spawn a player who died or self-terminated may be allowed to spawn a new commander
- Max players - Configures how many players are allowed to play the battle (leave empty for no limit)
- Max specs - Configures how many spectators are allowed to watch the battle (leave empty for no limit)
- Copy - Opens a dialog that allows certain settings to be copied from the battle currently selected in the Battles list.
Battle - Copies basic settings (Area/Version/Map/AI).
Options - Copies the Options configuration.
Players - Copies the Battle admin player permission configuration.
Perms - Copies Battle admin permissions.
- Rename - Renames the battle
- Lock/Unlock - Locks (or unlocks) the battle to prevent players joining unless they have explicit permissions
The permissions window allows configuration of the minimum acceptable player types required to perform each action related to the battle configuration.
Some actions have a separate permission configuration for vote, e.g. "Map vote" gives the user type permission to vote for a map change, while "Map" gives permission to change the map straight off.
With the "vote" entries excluded, the permissions list items and the respective permissions they will grant can be summarized as follows:
- AI - Select AIs
- Admin - Access the Battle admin panel
- Chat - Post chat messages in the battle room
- Copy - Copy settings from another battle (Admin)
- Default options - Reset the battle options to default
- Dynamic join - Configure dynamic join (Admin)
- Join locked - Join the battle when locked
- Join unlocked - Join the battle when not locked
- Kick - Kick players from battle
- Map - Select maps
- Max players - Configure the maximum number of players (Admin)
- Max specs - Configure the maximum number of spectators (Admin)
- Options - Edit the battle Options
- Permissions - Access the permissions window (Admin)
- Players - Configure player permissions (Admin)
- Quickban - Temporarily ban players from the battle (Admin)
- Rename - Rename the battle (Admin)
- Replay - Watch replays in the battle room
- Respawn - Configure the commander respawn interval (Admin)
- Start - Start the battle
- Starting area - Configure the starting area
- Stop vote - Stop the battle when in progress. To prevent abuse, all participants must vote for Stop to be successful.
Double-click an item to change the permission configuration. Depending on what permission is being configured, the available settings are one or more of the following:
- Owner - The battle owner
- Admin - The aforementioned plus any player configured as admin
- User - The aforementioned plus any player configured as user
- All - The aforementioned plus any PLAYER or SUPERVISOR account
- Limited - The aforementioned plus any FREE2PLAY account, or PLAYER or SUPERVISOR account configured as limited
When handing out permissions, keep in mind that many of the features/settings/options described here are still only accessible to players that possess a Supervisor upgrade.
While other players will not be able to make adjustments to the actual Supervisor-specific configuration, they can still play the battle of course - unless the battle has been explicitly configured to deny it.
The examples below assume that we are starting from a default player and permission configuration
Example 1: For a private clan battle room, change all permissions that by default are set to All or Limited to User, and add each player that should have access as user to the player list
Example 2: If you are happy that PLAYERs and SUPERVISORs can make (or vote for) basic edits to your battle, but one of them is giving you problems, then add the problematic player as limited to the player list
Example 3: If you want FREE2PLAY players to be able to (vote to) change the map, then change the Map vote permission to Limited
Example 4: If you want any PLAYER or SUPERVISOR to be able to change the map straight off (without voting), then change the Map permission to All
Example 5: If you want to allow a specific player to perform basic configuration straight off (without voting), then add the player as user to the player list